Friday, September 21, 2007

Mentioning No Names

So mentioning no names I've been nagged that as I have a couple of extra sets of hands currently with me maybe I can add a few extra posts. Well despite the extra hands Kirsten is currently sat on the desk next to me in her baby bouncer seeing how hard she can kick - trust me I have no wish to get in her way at the moment.

It's John's 40th birthday tomorrow, and I pulled off a surprise party for him last Saturday evening. There were about 40 guests in total so I was really pleased with the turnout and Kirsten was as good as gold all weekend. The extra surprise for John was that my best friend, Kerry and her boyfriend, Mark had both flown out on the Friday so that they could attend the party. They stayed with us on Sunday night before going off on a road trip on Monday for 2 weeks. I'd also booked the Monday off work for John knowing that we would all be exhausted after a sociable weekend.

Kirsten has spent the last 10 days learning to be picked up and handled by other people as up till now she's been somewhat of a "Mummy's Girl". She's getting there. Tomorrow night John and I are going out for dinner on our own to celebrate so we'll see how it goes leaving her with Nanny and Grampy.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

3+ Months

I know it's over a month since last time. John's sister, Karen, and her husband, Guy have just been out and spent almost 2 weeks with us. They arrived on 25 August and left on Friday, 7 September. My parents arrive on Monday (10 September) and stay until 1 October.
Kirsten has hit 3 months and now weighs 13 lbs 6.5 oz (6.08 kilos). On Thursday she learnt to roll from her back to her front and gets very angry to find herself on her tummy. Now we've got to work on rolling back the other way. As you can see from the pictures we've also got her a bouncer. She has only been in a couple of times so far and lasts no more than 5 minutes. I have to admit that she already loves the television.
Kirsten also now sleeps through most of the night. She's typically asleep by around 8.30 pm and then wakes for her feed anywhere between 3 and 5 am. Usually it's around 4 am. The problem is that half the time she doesn't want to go back to sleep after that so that is something else I'm working on. In the last few weeks she has at least started to take a few naps during the day which means she's not quite as grouchy in the evenings as she has been. Not that I'm biased or anything but when she's happy she's got a beautiful smile. She's also quite a rare baby here in that she's blonde haired and blue eyed. John and I keep joking that we could make a fortune using her as a baby model!!
Anyway hope this brings you all a little more up to date. Best wishes to everyone and thanks for all your well wishes too.
John hits the big 4 0 on 22 September. I'm not really sure how he feels about that.