Thursday, October 11, 2007

Guests Have Been and Gone

Well for the time being all of our guests have left. We thought our next set would be John's parents arriving 2nd week of December to spend 3 weeks (including Christmas) with us, but it now looks as if Aunty Anne and Margrethe from Oslo may be coming to spend a week with us at the end of November. They said they fancied a "Winter holiday". To tell you the truth I would love to see some snow, but that's going to be a fun trip up to Flagstaff in a year or so for Kirsten to see what the white stuff is.

I got Kirsten to the photographer again before the last of our guests left so get some pictures. Can you believe she's now 4 months old and over 15 lbs in weight (almost 7 kilos). She's also very long 25" (63 cm) and growing.
John goes away on Sunday morning until Wednesday evening on a business trip leaving us to fend for ourselves. We're doing quite well. I'm at long last trying to start my diet and exercise again so I start every day taking Kirsten out in her push chair for 2.5 miles. It's still a bit hot and sweaty and I'd really like the temperatures to come down another 10 degrees (into the 80s which are the low 30s C) but it's my time. Kirsten dozes in the push chair and I listen to music on the ipod. John and I then try to get out again every other evening after dinner to walk the dogs too. I'll keep you updated on how the weight loss goes!!